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Cooling system and chip removal system of CNC machining center
time:2021-04-12 09:52:36 source: network

CNC cooling system and chip removal system

Because the tool on the CNC machine tool can move freely in the working space, it is necessary to supply cutting fluid to the tool. The cutting fluid on the CNC machine tool is supplied to the tool position in the working state through the preset pipeline inside the turret tool post, and is finally sprayed on the cutting edge of the tool. For the rotating tool, the cutting fluid is directed to the tool through the spindle. Tool supply. Due to the atomization of the cutting fluid, there are also CNC machine tools that use dry cutting.

Due to the high efficiency of CNC machine tools, a lot of chips are generated per unit time, so in order to avoid the chips from interfering with the machining process, the cutting needs to be discharged. Due to the random splashing of CNC machining chips and various problems, it is necessary to install the necessary chip removal device when configuring the machine tool.

Different types of chip conveyors can be selected according to the shape of the chips. At present, the most widely used chip conveyor is the belt hinge chip conveyor. Small and fragile chips often use a scraper, while steel chips use a magnetic chip conveyor.

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